Oyya Info is an online resource center which sets the standard for providing free high quality technical content to IT professionals empowering them with answers and tools that are needed for Hacking and Troubleshooting.
Here at Oyya Info, we have lot of resource that Guide you in troubleshooting and hacking in more efficent and effective mannner. Since our inception, we are pioneer in providing the best Troubleshooting and hacking based solutions. Please do browse through our website for more information and services offered by our company in Detail.

Hacking with javascript
Google pagerank algorithm
Registry Editor Tricks
Troubleshooting TCP/IP
Hacking database servers
Crypto challenge: lurking

IT security defenses misdirected

IT groups are finding it hard to prioritize defense strategies against cyberattacks because most don't have an Internet-wide view of the attacks, a SANS Institute report says.

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